Artist Profiles

Megan Alguire:

For my final year, I am focusing on painting, and
doing a lot of it. My art-making is based primarily on emotions; it is a way
for me to express myself and relate to other people. I enjoy pushing myself in
my artwork, and I don’t like to back down from a challenge.


Sarah Ammons:

Sarah Ammons has been attending Queen’s University BFA program for the past three years, and will be graduating in the spring of 2012. She has studied painting and drawing as well as printmaking at Queen’s and through residencies in Ontario and California. Having grown up in a household with two psychologists as parents, Sarah has a natural inclination to look at life analytically; her art explores the relationship one has with oneself and with others. Sarah has always been moved by her desire to create art and this desire will motivate her in her endeavors in the years to come.


Mackenzie Browning:

Mackenzie Browning is a fourth year Bachelor of Fine Arts student at Queen’s University. His work focuses on the juxtaposition of modern day urban living with the simplicity of urban life using the mediums of printmaking and sculpture. Mackenzie’s work has been displayed in galleries throughout Kingston and Toronto. For more
information, visit his website at


Dera-Lynn Burrows:

Dera-Lynn is from the small town of Bancroft, Ontario. The beautiful scenery and sense of community is part of what has inspired her work this year. Dera-Lynn is primarily a painter, however she plans on accompanying her series of paintings with an aspect of installation for the final show. This body of work uses life and culture in Northern Ontario as groundwork for discovering beauty in unexpected places.


Phoebe Cohoe:

Phoebe enjoys working primarily as a printmaker, while also entertaining a love for
sculpture. She is interested in ideas around creativity, imagination, and how
our perceptions of these things change as we grow older. She also likes to play
with movement, and colour. Lots of colour.


Emma Craig:

Emma Craig’s work predominantly consists of large-scale drawings using mediums
including graphite, charcoal, oil slicks and chalk pastel. Her interest in figure drawing and the development of the human figure is exhibited within her work. She creates and focuses on the dialog between gestural drawings and natural objects, communicating their identities though the exploration of line, space and mass. Emma is from Toronto, Ontario and is currently in her final year at Queens University, studying for a Bachelor
of Fine Art Honors with a minor in Gender Studies.


Sebastian Dowd: coming soon


Ashley Eagan: coming soon


Charlotte Ficek:

Charlotte Ficek primarily works in painting and drawing, but enjoys experimenting with many artistic mediums. She is drawn to strange and bizarre imagery, portraiture, and her own personal photography. This year she is working on a series of collages and paintings, and also hopes to incorporate time based media and installation into her final body of work.


Janghan Hong: coming soon


Scott MacDonald: 

Scott MacDonald works primarily as a printmaker and sculptor. Focusing on Woodcut and Screen printing, Scott plans to examine the relationship between historical and contemporary revolutionary events of conflict, as well as their recurring
nature.  Scott is based in Toronto, Ontario and is currently in his final year at Queen’s University, studying for a Bachelor of Fine Art Honors, with a minor in History.


Anya Mieiniczek:

I’mcreating illustrations, paintings, collages etc. on wooden boards or templates.
These art works also double as fully functional longboards, you choose.

Inmy work I’m also interested in experimenting with texture and colour while
focusing on detail, lines and layering and exploring ideas concerning the
environment and sustainability.


Kaisa Moran:

Kaisa is exploring family relations in the context of society and war. She is working
mainly in drawing and various forms of printmaking


Nevan Ryan: coming soon


Heather Smith:

Heather Smith is a primarily a printmaker and her favourite medium is woodcut. She also enjoys drawing with ink and watercolour, bookbinding and collage. This year she wants to turn her prints into diorama installations. She is from Antigonish county, Nova Scotia, and takes a lot of her imagery from here. She currently lives at the Artel, an arts collective and venue in downtown Kingston.  Some of Heather’s previous work can be
seen on her blog:


Lianne Suggit:

Artist’s Statement

My work is mainly inspired by rural life and double exposure photography. I enjoy the
simplicity and plainness of the 18th and 19th century rural lifestyle. To create a sense of time I overlap country landscapes and translucent period-dressed figures, employing ghostly imagery to touch upon the idea of mental decay. I create these paintings and sculptures to explore the relationship between forgotten generations of rural life and those of today. Through my work I hope to present an interesting view of history from a
contemporary standpoint.


Lianne Suggitt is in her final year of fine art at Queen’s University. She is an artist
who paints and sculpts rural scenes from Canada and around the world. She is
interested in reanimating the past in an imaginative and simplistic way. She
has shown with the Union gallery and the Artel here in Kingston. You can see
more of her work at


Daniela Tanaka Lo:

Daniela Tanaka Lo is a fourth-year student from Hong Kong in the Queen’s University Bachelor of Fine Art program. She works mainly in printmaking and drawing, often combining the two.  She enjoys mixing textures and explores the effects of layering in her work. Daniela mainly works with images from still life and is heavily influenced by the natural forms found in botany.


Emily Turgeon-Brunet:

I have always had an interest in the process of creating art, as well as the interaction between art and the viewer. The ability for art to allow an inanimate object to create living emotion is the catalyst for my passion. It exists and lives within the mind of an audience, whether by brief thoughts or by memory. Art allows for me to give physical form to an idea, either permanent or temporary. I use oil paints as my preferred medium because of the rich pigments and layering qualities it possesses.

The body of work that I have been producing this year is themed on the Eastern Ontario industries, and how they have evolved and disintegrated. I am interested in what is left of them and how they are often forgotten despite their immense structure. I find the forms of the structures to be both beautiful and intriguing because of their intricacy and their role in how Ontario has developed.


Emily Turner:

My name is Emily Turner and I’m making myself a church out of tissue paper. It’s very English.
– cheers


Faith Webster:

Faith’s most recent work draws connections between traditional patterns used in textiles and the chemical structure of molecules.  For her final year in the BFA programme, she is focussing on the medium of woodcut for it’s similarities to Indian woodblock textile printing.  After graduation Faith plans to complement her studies in fine art with a degree in the sciences. She calls Scarborough, Ontario home.


Torie Whitehead:

Whitehead, when not studying at Queens, currently resides in Toronto, Ontario.
She is currently working in paint and printmaking mediums. Her main theme in
her artwork lies in the creation of mythology and the representation of myth.
She particularly enjoys working with images of animals and likes to add humor
to her work.


Casey Wilson

“Casey hails from Vancouver in Beautiful British Columbia. She is a painting major who
hopes to one day acquire a masters in elementary art education. Lately in her
work she has been exploring visual memory; what she remembers and what she
doesn’t about a particular place or event. She loves to use cheerful colours
and dances while she paints, and she must love the outdoors because she never
seems to paint interiors.”



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